Meeting Minutes – July 8, 2020
For those affected by gun violence in our communities and declaration of peace For deaths within our community and board members families, finances impacted, reflect for peace and wisdom for our elected officials that they will make the right decisions
Motion Terry. Second Tacuma Brown to adopt agenda
Favor 20 Oppose 0 Abstention 4 - Motion Carries
Corrections for June Minutes change name spelling
Motion Tacuma Brown. Second Jason to adopt agenda
Favor 19 Oppose 0 Abstention 3 - Motion Carries
Mayor Bottoms to release Executive Order requiring masks
Governor Kemp Public Health Emergency to August 11th
PPE Extension is through August 8, 2020
COVID Testing is available daily within the NPUT at the Health Center on York Ave
NPU T Cares Rita got us a grant for PPE kits for 150 seniors; want to personally identify seniors within NPU T
Can still apply for the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance through the GA Department of Labor
Mortgage Assistance is being provided through Home Safe Georgia and NPU T has partnered with Georgia Advancing Communities (GACT) which also assists with rent in addition to mortgage payments
Census 2020 updates to complete those obligations to secure funding and initiatives tied to that. Numbers for NPU T have increased. New deadline in October 2020
Dr. Herring has been sworn in as new APS Superintendent on July 1, 2020
City of Atlanta 2021 Fiscal Budget has been approved
Atlanta University Schools have released their Fall reopening 2020 plans; every school has individual plans but made a consolidated plan release
ENTRA is now open and still awaiting the Wellness Clinic that will also serve as our urgent care facility in the community will be opening soon once have those details will provide
Run Off Elections will be held in August 2020.
Main Street Program designed to make our business corridors more sustainable by offering grants. We have West End and Westview representatives who will speak to this program in the next coming months Myrna Anderson Fuller & Kiyomi Rollins
Question: Are there any affordable housing units at ENTRA ? ANS: They are taking applications with fair market rent, not sure if City Officials worked with this private developer. Can look to Cleta Winslow for more information. Walter confirmed they are all at fair market rate.
Atlanta Police Department – Zone 1 Major Collier -
Question: Marvin Gavins what is the procedure to report drug activity? ANS: Can email and will look into the issue
Question: How do we get a camera install in Westview area to capture gun shooting activity. ANS: Police foundation funds projects like installing cameras but email him and will direct you
Zone 4 - Major Canton - - Zone 4
435 Atwood Drug House activity at day and evening also believe responsible for shooting and fireworks. ANS: Send email and start investigation. A bit of backup with officers being detailed out to other areas of issues within the City due to protesting, shootings, etc. Extra resources that were in this area left this area over a month ago. Have a couple of plain clothes officers will try to get to assist with neighborhood concerns.
Community Presidents to include in the emails to Zone Police:
West End: Tony McNeal
Westview: Jason Hudgins
Just Us: Lisa Stines 404-285-4918
Ashview Heights: Luretia "Dany" Craig/
Atlanta Fire Chief – Battalion Chief Tony Terrell
Question: Still providing smoke detectors Claudie Nash 404-546- 7000, Can also flag down a fire truck if out and they will stop and install if have any onboard
Atlanta 311 – Yusuf McCaskill, Department of Customer Service
311 services any non-emergency city service bulk pickup, potholes,
Contact Information: ATL311- Non-Emergency Call Center for City of Atlanta Services Hours: M-F, 7am-7pm; Dial 3-1-1- inside city limits, or (404) 546-0311 24/7; website at; Email us at Download & report via app by searching “ATL311” in the App or Google Play Stores. Also on all social media platforms search “ATL311” on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, NextDoor, SnapChat, and YouTube For COVID-related emergency notifications, text “ATLSTRONG” to 888-777 To report any COVID-related concerns, please email or 311
Any bulk pickup updates? Increased volume they are still behind, doing a number of extra pickups per day. Any any requests made have been caught up
QUESTION: Laura Lawson: Commend water on major issue last month but found the phone was sending to recording and hanging up? ANS: It was a technical issue that was resolved the same day Apologies for that happening
Department of Public Works/SWEET – Officer Knight
Please make sure you schedule your bulk until you put it out, should not be curbside before 7:00pm night before your scheduled
Anything outside of the can will not be picked up
Yard trimmings over 20 bags must be scheduled
Officer Knight: Department of Public Works Solid Waste Education and Enforcement team. Email: Phone:470-270-5636 for more information on COVID19 collection schedule.
Matters for Vote/Review and Comment (See attachment)
Council President Felicia Moore – Contact 404-330-6052
In recent council meeting there were over 13 – 16 hours of public comments
Many City issues currently trying to attend to especially the crime filled 4th of July weekend with several lives being lost
Currently trying to address Public Safety, Police Reform, COVID19 Impacts
Question: Community Engagement when the task force is formed there is community input is missing how can we fix that? ANS: Police Reform task force Mayor established and appointed those herself. Antonio Brown has established one himself, there has been no formal one started by the Atlanta Council.
Jason Kentrall – Thank you for the level of engagement you provide in this role and listening to the community
Council Winslow Office – Demetrius Myatt Contact Info: 470-471-5065
Partnered with an organization to help with rental assistance
GenCare a Senior Organization is also offering assistance for seniors
Any voting items, questions or concern please reach out will be happy to try to assist
The transportation dept. has completed $500K street project in the Just Us Community on Morris Brown & MLK Drive
There have been $3mill in sidewalk improvements made in the District
COVID Testing is available throughout the entire District 4
The 8year old that was shot funeral services will be held on next Wednesday, July 15t h – 11:00AM at New Calvary Missionary Baptist Church> Family is in District 4 Mechanicsville
Zoning & Land Use – Walter Slaton
Transportation- Alan Babiliński
MARTA Board Meeting – Jun 11th, meeting will be held online:
Meetings are available on YouTube:
MARTA is currently distributing 2 million free PPE kits at their stations. More info can be obtained at
More Marta Project is now identified as MARTA 2040. Plans on consolidation of expansion projects can be found on the Marta website. Also looking to gain more clarity on project prioritization
Campbellton LRT/BRT – will be soliciting public input for this 5.7-mile rapid transit option from Oakland City Station to Greenbriar Mall to include nine stations and lane alignment alternatives
MARTA Army Bus Stop Census survey link:; Remote Survey link
Public Safety & Public Policy – Jason Hudgins,
August 11th is the Runoff Election Date. Monday, July 13, 2020 is the last day to register if you have not already done so. Fulton County DA & Sheriff are on the Ballot
Early Voting begins on July 20th there will be 17 available locations which can be found at largest available place will be State Farm Arena
For runoff elections and General Elections you must request Absentee Ballots which can be done at the my voter page of This also where you can check the status of ballot being processed
The City budget did pass there were increases for the Citizens Review Board, Pre-Arrest Diversion program
City Council did adopt the 8 Can’t Wait reforms which includes ban on chokeholds, requires force continuum, city boards have been approved, boards can meet remotely, the Rayshard Brooks Bill 20-R-4068 was introduced
Submitted a statement to Chair & Vice Chair that at the Council Meeting Michael Julian Bond introduced a resolution for a temporary alcohol license process during this COVID crisis on behalf of developers that allows them to bypass NPU’s & community input process and we would like this to be withdrawn or voted down by committee
Please wear your masks and stay home when possible
Contract tracing within Fulton County & the COA are tracing 20% of cases to 2% of people
There is currently a super spreader event happening in Atlanta where African Americans represent 51% of new cases and 80% of deaths
Mayor Bottoms will sign an Executive Order today requiring masks within the COA
Education- Sharifa Jackson,
Dr, Herring was sworn in as APS Superintendent on July 1st
APS has postponed all 2020 Graduation Ceremonies due to rise in COVID
Video Summary of APS Town Hall Meeting are in the Google Drive and link:
Virtual Summer Camps info are posted
APS will be announcing the 2021 School reopening model will provide once available
Finance & NPU-T Cares – Lisa Stines
Free PPE kits for seniors or those in need will be distributed this month
Georgia Advance Community will be providing rental assistance up to $1500 for qualifying participants
Atlanta Wealth Building Initiative has been launched and the July 23rd is the deadline. Kiyomi Rollins is willing to assist with completing the application please contact her at email is
Atlanta Beltline: Draft Subarea 10 Master Plan Update – Whitney Fuller,
First set of plans were adopted by COA
Sub Area 1 and 10 are where we are right now
Sub Area 1, 9 & 10 covers NPU T
Will send out a fact sheet for neighborhoods to review
Please see page 10 of the master plan draft in the link Whitney posted.
Lk Link to ink to Draft Plan: aster-plan-updates-feedback/?highlight=master%20plan
Link to Video Summary on Subarea 1:
Here are a couple of the points from that section addressing affordability:
Establish a dedicated neighborhood Community Assistance Office (COA) or office presence to help businesses and residents navigate various programs designed to enhance affordability within the community.
Preserve existing rental affordability
Establish a multifamily rehabilitation
Preserve existing owner affordability
New construction of affordable rental units
Age in place assistance
Development of New Affordable Housing (rental or ownership)
NPU-T July 2020 Newsletter is available at:; you can also subscribe at
Saturday, July 11th – NPU On June 11th NPU University will be hosting Atlanta Community Engagement Playbook Course for how to do this from the ground up
Thank you from Madam Chair Kimberly Scott to all NPU Committee Chairs and Community Leaders for the outstanding job and being a great team to work with
Tacuma Brown comment – Doing a great terrific job and serves as an example for the other NPU’s