Meeting Minutes – May 13, 2020
Moment of Silence for those who may have lost love ones during this pandemic. And for our government officials in the decisions they must make
Motion made Alan Bablinski. Second by Jason Hudgins
Favor 25 Oppose 0 Abstention 0
March - Motion made by Nicole Jenkins. Second Alan Babalinski
Favor 14 Oppose 0 Abstention 0
April - Motion to approve made by Alan Babalinski. Second Nicole Jenkins
Favor 17 Oppose 0 Abstention 11
Antibody Testing at Piedmont Hospital
Jason – 2020 SXSW NPUs I, S, T, & V Sate House Reps Forum
May 19th at 6:00 – 8:00PM
All candidates asked same questions
You can email jasonhudgins@presidentofwestview
Email questions to Jason, Kim, or your Community president
District 56 & 57. All but one candidate has accepted
Primary June 9th if want to vote in person please wear gloves and masks
NPU-T was given the Community Impact Grant Award. This was the highest award given to any NPU this year
Documents for tonight’s meeting 1jMK8qSNe6iO21zjVclpf0r051u6pwca1?usp=sharing
Zone 4 – Major Carven Tyus
Uptick in domestic assaults
April 27th shootings may have been drug related
May 4th lady shot the guy at car wash, it was a dispute that escalated
May 12th house shot up about 20-30 rounds think this is gang related
Slight uptick in car thefts; 12 reported so far due to COVID19 people are picking up food and leaving car running or keys in car
Drag Racing at West End asking mall security to chain link the parking lot at night during closed hours
ATV and dirt bike issues also being addressed but encouraged to report to 911
Atlanta 311 Barbara Dougherty
Non-emergency city office. All agents working from home which could turn into permanent
ATLStrong for COVID related updates.
Issue RDA behind impacting RDA and Stokes Westview Community Garden issue off RDA will talk to Jason offline
Contact: or 470-698-5171
Monday – Friday 7:00AM – 7:00PM; Contact: 311 number 404-546-031; or
COVID19 updates or issues: Text ATLSTRONG to 888-777 or
Department of Watershed Management – Susan Rutherford, Director Storm Water Program (
Municipal Sales Tax is .01 asks every four years. Money used to fund construction projects, drinking water, 10% on storm water projects which fixes aging infrastructure
Tax renewal will be on June 9th ballot so be sure to scroll down to make that vote
Project information:
ATL DOT – Baloguo Bisi
Requests for speed bumps still being taking and working them
Stop sign requests on hold due to not a lot of traffic issues right now because of COVID closures or 404-895-4453
Department Public Works (SWEET Team) – Officer Knight (
Lot of bulk requests due to increase of people at home cleaning
All household trash must be inside the bin if does not fit schedule bulk
Over 20 bags of yard must be scheduled to bulk
For more information due to COVID19 solid waste collection visit
Code Enforcement – Officer Brayboy 404-208-1238 or
Still addressing concerns, you can email or call or use 311 to report property issues
We do have a Quality of Life officers to assist with property issues or people in abandoned houses
Stats should be sent from Officer Parks
Status on any property or issues please contact
Compliance reach out to owners and asking them to send photos until they start going back out
Apartment at Oak and Culbertson burned and now vagrants are hanging out. Terry will send address or apartment name.
As we deal with the pandemic what is the process for no permit stop work orders regarding Ashview Heights? Please contact offline
Atlanta Fire Rescue – Chief Alfredo Sealy
Still operating under state of emergency
Response matrix has been adjusted
All stations are filled everyday
100 recruits are in training online mostly emergency medical. Will go to hospitals to ride with medics as part of training
Make sure take care of personal health care problems and keep CDC guidelines and wear masks
(Please allow representatives of public safety agencies to report first)
PLANNER’S REPORT– Lori Leland – Things that require public hearing are not operating right now, everything else is still functioning
Matters for Vote/Review and Comment (See attachment)
AUC Consortium – Todd Greene
Students are graduating regardless of ceremony
Internships have fallen through for the summer so trying to help work through that with some of the students
Collaboration – Procurement Platform to identify ways to support local business. Data Science to ensure students have ability to extract value from data to assist in life goals and post-secondary
Rethinking safety and security
New ways to engage neighborhoods and communities by forming relations with community partners
K-12 Booker T Washington Cluster still finding ways to lean in for better educational goals
Integrating with AUDC
COVD19 managed successfully by transitioning students & faculty off campus, getting students computers & internet access, teachers online training, commencement to post pone or do a virtual experience
Morehouse will have a virtual graduation for MD students this Saturday, May 13, 2020
Fall – planning to bring students back. Due to COVID19 there are 15 scenarios across educational platforms we have adopted four
Aretta Baldon – District 2 Atlanta Board Representative
Planning virtual grads as well as in person celebration at a later date last week of July at Grady or Lakewood
List of dates provided for virtual grads and is on the APS website
No in person summer school will be virtually
Three weeks of food in June but not through bus stops but community partners
July 1st we will have a new Superintendent Dr. Lisa Herring
Question: Reported in AJC the consulting fees please address? ANS: didn’t want to wait until July wanting her to start some transition and in July hit the ground running so that fee is not every day but only on the days she works
City Council District 4 Winslow Office – Demetruis Wyatt
Fed City Sanitation workers and provided masks and gloves. Fed police and fire departments
Few new sidewalks going up in District 4, can provide a list
May 14th from 6:00 – 7:00PM Town Hall with Mayor and City Council, Fulton County Board of Health
Dean Rusk Park – Ashview Heights can email the full report from Watershed Department. Hoping to finish this project before the end of the year
Any food drives can drop food items off
City Council District 3 A. Brown - Perrin Bostic 404-210-4414
868 Joseph Boone drive thru testing 10:00 – 2:00PM at the Marque Lounge
Councilman Brown traveled to rally on behalf of Ahmad Aubrey
May 8th Ahmad Aubrey Day
Pass house bill 416 hate crime bill
ATL Counts Census 2020 Mayors Office – Tamara Edwards
NPU-T is very undercounted area so need assistance getting neighbors to complete census, especially elderly
Atlanta is at 51% completion Georgia is at 55% completion. South is currently lagging behind North and West
Offering yard signs can be dropped up at individual residents
Zoning & Land Use – Walter Slaton
Transportation- Alan Babiliński
Marta Board Meeting will hold virtual Board Meeting tomorrow May 14th
Operating & Capital Budget Meeting will be held May 18th
Public Safety- Kon Maiwan
Public Safety Forum date is being pushed back
Any questions please reach out to Kon and will get answers for you
Education- Sharifa Jackson
Governor did authorize camps to open still waiting for more details
Finance – No Reports
Georgia STAND-UP: Destiny Collins, Community Organizer
2020 Census Campaign can be completed online, call in 1-844-330-2020, fill out paper copy
Contact: Website:
MARTA Army: Morgan Jacobus, Secretary
Operation Bus Stop Census
Nonprofit trying to improve transit experience
In 2018 there was ridership of 45%
Goal is to make bus stop safe, accessible, dignified
Can complete the census at
Not with Marta separate nonprofit organization
Fulton County Library: Oscar Gi
Story time for community groups
Currently have a Plan for reopening
Tacoma Brown – how can we get the literature that used to get in the meetings? ANS: Will send out any information and links are also provided in the chat https:// usp=sharing