Glee in the T

In Atlanta, only one Christmas tradition truly stands the test of time: the Morehouse-Spelman Christmas Concert. For ninety-eight consecutive years, these two schools’ world-renowned Glee Clubs have inspired and delighted audiences each and every December. Those who’ve never attended one of these concerts simply cannot fathom the power and beauty of the experience, and likewise words cannot do it justice. How many opportunities does one have in life to observe a nearly century-long, uninterrupted, tradition live and in-person?

This weekend, the NPU-T Seasoned Citizens Committee spearheaded an effort to bring community members together in order to share in this truly one-of-a-kind event. More than a dozen NPU-T members braved frigid temperatures and a biting windchill in order to partake in the magic. Neighbors from Beecher Donnelly, The West End, The Westview, Ashview Heights, and AUC were all in attendance. Donning custom-made boutonnieres and corsages of fresh roses and fir leaves, the group carried an energy that brought smiles to surrounding audience members’ faces.

The thought crossing through at least one mind: Could this perhaps be the beginning of a new NPU-Tradition?

Dave Mardis

NPU-T Recording Secretary


Immaculate Holiday Vibes


How it Started & How it Ended…