Meeting Minutes – June 10, 2020



    1. Reflect for those affected by Covid19 as well as NPU Members that have been impacted, restoration of finances of individuals, injustices within as we ask for peace, justice, wisdom for policy reform


    1. Favor 21 Oppose 0 Abstention 2


    1. Favor 19 Oppose 0 Abstention 4


    1. Atlanta COVID-19 Pandemic Updates (Stats & Resources) ​υ​ Census 2020 Updates

      • Over 44,000 COVD cases to date.

      • Testing available on Tuesday, June 23 12- 4, Sat June 27t​h​ at Elizabeth Baptist Church

      • Family Ctr on York every day and Home Depot backyard

    2. Evictions have been held under judicial order until June 12t​h​ so be mindful those evictions will begin to take place. Georgia Advancing Communities Together offers rental assistance, Rita Gibson can refer and provide further assistance.

    3. West End Merchant Coalition providing assistance for PPP loan forgiveness program, small business, please see Terry Ross for further direction/assistance

    4. Workforce Atlanta has a job assistance program for youth ages 16-24

    5. Urban League has a webinar every Friday at 11:00am anyone can attend

    6. Census – October is the new extended deadline. Want to make sure our numbers are up for federal, state, local aid are based on the census. Can fill out at

    7. Education – New Superintendent Dr. Lisa Herring official onboard date is July 1s​t

    8. Two committee appointments chairing Lisa Stines for Finance & NPU-T Cares &

      Jason Hudgins for Public Safety & Public Policy

    9. We received the Atlanta City Planning Impact Grant Award for about $8500

    10. Two distinguished awards were given to Westview and Ashview Heights for the

      creativity in their projects


    1. APD Zone – Jeff Cantin (​​) –

      • Crime stats have been sent to Chair to share with everyone

      • Crime is lower for this month due to COVID 19 and businesses slowly opening up.

      • Shoplifting coming back up still dealing with larceny

      • Shift change from 3 -6pm are busy time and calls are increased

      • Drag racing – If you see a group APD is operating under restricted orders

      • to report and get officers dispatched to those areas, no chasing but hopefully presence will deter.

      • Celebratory fire on holidays trying to control but it is difficult to contain.

      • AutoZone Area Meeting ​(Noted by Jason) ​with Zone 4 Major Tyus right

      • now this the most patrolled area. Trying to better control loitering. Last tenant will be out at the end of July, owner of the package store is onboard with the new upgrades, temporary fence on the backside of the property, goal is to start renovations once the City begins granting permits. ​Question:​ what is protocol for loitering calls? ​ANS:​ Call for loitering officer will go out and ask individuals to disperse, it is up to business to do criminal trespass

    2. Atlanta Fire – Battalion 4 Chief Matt Driver (​​) –

      • There is an uptick in Covid19 cases in our area. Passed out masks and Covid19 literature in neighborhoods.

      • Fires are down right now and calls are also down

    3. Atlanta 311 – Barbara Dougherty Community Affairs Coordinator -​ or 470-698-5171

      • Non-emergency call center for city pothole, sign replacement, lights out Atlanta streets, water bill.

      • Working virtually taking approximately 2-3,000 calls per day

      • Contact 404-0-546-0311, 311,, email ​

      • Also, on all social media platforms

    4. Department of Watershed Management – Denise Stewart​ or 404-546-1410

      • Water Quality report will be included in June bill and available online

      • DWM capital improvement project info can be found online

      • Sewer repairs throughout District 4 completed third quarter 2020

      • 1% tax was passed. Rates will not increase for water bills

      • Water bill concerns please contact Atlanta 311

      • Assistance with difficulty making payments can be found online

      • Website: ​

    5. Public Works – Mr. Bisi ​​ or 404-895-4453

      • Met with Lisa to go over abandoned properties, stop lights need a service requests to be put in, exit cleaning falls under GDOT

      • Question:​ How can a copy of four way stop traffic study be obtained?

      • ANS:​ Call 311

      • Question:​ Status for report filed for two-sided parking on Ashview Heights?

      • ANS:​ Can email Mr Bisi to research the item

    6. SWEET Team - Officer Knight (Department of Public Works) –

      • Due to COVID19 there are delays in bulk pick up ways in which collections were done have been altered, as well as some regularly picked up items must now be done through bulk so there is a strain on the department

      • Nothing outside of trash can not be picked up

      • Yard trimmings must be in brown bags, over 20 bags must be scheduled through bulk pick up

      • Recycling must be in blue bins

      • Any COVID virus contaminations please call 311 for special pick up scheduling

      • Bulk pickup is delayed but please schedule first before items are put on curb which should be after 7PM the day before scheduled pick up

    7. (CODE ENFORCEMENT) Officer Brayboy

      • Discussion on issues in disparity of services on the north side vs south side

      • Tacoma comment going to Mayors office is premature go to City Council person first t

      • Kim, Lisa and others will discuss offline ways to approach and manage issues

      • Commendations for the great job and response Officer Brayboy has always provided to NPU-T

    8. NPU-T Cares – Business Highlights

      • Melody Wade Styles business located in the Lee+White Development. Home to over 15 beverage business with all involved female except one

      • Kyomi Rollins – Ke’nekt – A cooperative space for displaced or startup businesses, currently open on weekends with a market and varying food partners with Gang Growers providing delivery service


    1. Matters for Vote/Review and Comment (See attachment)


    1. Perrin Bostic Antonio Brown’s Office

      • Covid19 Testing on Thursday, June 11t​h​ from 1-4pm at 868 Joseph E Boone Blvd

      • Still providing weekly meal distribution.

      • With everything that is going on with the injustices still making it a point to stay focused on issues with the virus

      • Announced Metro Atlanta Uprising Task Force which will be a comprehensive initiative focusing police reform, economic inequality

      • The list of property issues in District 4 can forward to Perrin and he will work to get those issues escalated with head of code enforcement

      • There is a rally/march tomorrow June 11t​h​ at 4:00PM sponsored by Councilman Brown at Piedmont Park 10t​h​ street and Monroe


    1. Zoning & Land Use – Walter Slaton

    2. Transportation- Alan Babiliński

      • Marta Board Meeting on June 11t​h​ at 1:30PM link provided; there are questions around Ashby Station and repaving

      • Deandra is a Committee Meeting and has been added to the Writer’s Council

      • Operating and capital budget approved

        • There has been $1⁄2 million dollars added for further planning for the Westside and Southwest side expansion of the streetcar, pay raise for bus operators

        • They are Using the Cares money they have been allocated

      • Atlanta City Design NPU University Meeting was held yesterday

        • Urbanization of transit included

        • Plans finalized in Q3 of 202

        • There will be public input sessions encouraging participation so that community voices can be heard as planning takes place

      • Marta Census is still taking place

    3. Public Safety/Public Policy – Jason Hudgins

      • There have been continued protests; for more information on daily protest activities Twitter @protesttwitter,com/whereprotest posted by 6PM everyday for the next days events

      • Uprising Taskforce has been formed by state representative & state senator. NPU is seeking an appointment to be added to that task force. Kim Scott is working to get that appointment added

      • Where do we go now and what do we do next: Get proactive with the pushing forward of the following Bills:

        • House Bill 636 – would set up a database that tracks use of force in the state of Georgia house bill; currently held up by Public Safety Chair of Georgia House Bill Hitchens 404-656-7865 or ​ to demand a hearing on this bill

        • Georgia Hate Crime Bill is still stuck in State Senate – House Bill 426. Nekima Williams is at the head of this Bill. Reach out to Pat Gardner or Able Mable Thomas to add voice to getting this Bill passed

      • Atlanta does have a Citizens Review Board if you have issues with the police; can be contacted at or 404-865-8622

      • Voting Updates:

        • Next steps for voting will be presented next month

        • In lieu of all the voting issues that happened on Tuesday please contact City Council, Mayor Bottoms.

        • Also contact Richard Barron, Fulton County Elections Chief, Robb Pitts, Chairman of Fulton County Commission these individuals run our elections

        • David Ralston, Speaker of the Georgia House Representatives called for a legislative investigation on the election updates

    4. Education- Sharifa Jackson

      • New Superintendent

        • Dr Lisa Herring will start July 1s​t

        • The Center for Civic Innovation will be having a Facebook Live with Dr. Herring on Tuesday, June 16, 2020

      • The budget has been set at $850 million down from the originally thought one billion, getting money from cares act

      • Budget hearing will be June 22n​d

      • Kipp Strive considering reopening options which include hybrid 2-3 days a week or 100% virtual

      • Out of School job youth program through work source information has been posted

      • Will continue to forward information on Virtual Summer Camps

    5. Finance/NPU Cares – Lisa Stines 404-285-4918

      • Will be highlighting two community businesses monthly

      • We currently have $347.17 in account balance

      • Working on some fundraising ideas for activities, events & causes in our communities

      • We were awarded the UCDC grant for $8500 for five neighborhoods that submitted

      • Looking for committee members of those who may good with numbers or accounting

      • Suggestions on financial seminars or opportunities that benefit the community


    1. Market 166 Grocery & Kitchen: Permeil Dass

      • This will be a cooperative grocery store currently located in the Tri Cities area

      • The store will have produce, café/deli, commercial kitchen incubation for small business use, meeting space for events

      • There are 120 owners

      • There are opportunities for volunteers, ownership, board member positions

      • Will be conducting a new feasibility study in 2021

      • Volunteer opportunities, ownership, board member

    2. BL-20-31 (Review and Comment Only) Jim Eyre (Ackerman & Company)

      • Lee + White Development in three project phases

      • The 929 building will have loft offices with parking, one floor of mezzanine, adding glass and opening walls for office space with a pedestrian entrance

      • There will be a food hall and additional office space on the second floor, collection of small food restaurants and one sit down restaurant

      • The 1050 building 40,000 square feet space will be renovated for loft offices by the third quarter of this year. This space is currently under for permit

      • There will be a multifamily building in later phase of the project

      • Large open pavilion for concerts, markets, gathering space

      • Development to include bike lanes, pedestrian walkways for north side residents and beltline

      • The plans discussed will be available in the NPU Google drive


    1. Gwen Cain – Morehouse

      • Virtual Summer Camp is available through Morehouse for ages 8 – 11

    2. Terry Ross – West End Merchants Coalition June 18 at 2pm on economic disaster loan and paycheck protection program nonprofits and churches are available for federal funds

    3. Elizabeth Puckett – Fulton county library – summer reading program is available and plans for reopening is on the website

  12. ADJOURNMENT – 9:02PM

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Meeting Minutes – April 8, 2020


Meeting Minutes – March 11, 2020